The Babes Project – Moments

Kids Hope

Kids Hope train and guide mentors from a local church, connecting them with a local primary school.

ZOE International 2019 #REWIND

Thank you for being a part of reaching and rescuing more!

Human Trafficking Survivor Story – Nuan’s Story | Life to the Full

ZOE fights for the day “child” and prostitution” are not associated.

Payton Sounds of Vienna 2018

Payton Foundation Sounds of Vienna Concert 2018 at The Athenaeum Club Collins Street Melbourne.

Payton Barefoot Bowls Video

A short video of the Payton Capital Barefoot Bowls Fund-raising event on 21st March 2018.

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If you’ve been inspired by these stories and interested in including them in your giving strategy, donate today, or connect with Jason or Marg.

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