Who is Fusion Sydney?
Fusion works to see transformation in individual lives and the community through a wide range of local initiatives.
To achieve this can mean dealing with practical needs; whether that’s helping a young person to find a safe place to live, providing a hands-on way to learn when the classroom just doesn’t work, or even scaling a mountain with a nervous teen who is building self-confidence.
In sixteen locations around Australia, Fusion brings a unique perspective to each community and works with locals to make a lasting change. Because the needs of each community are different, no two Fusion Centres are the same.
The Western Sydney team focus on supporting vulnerable young people and families, running extensive in school, after school and holiday programs.
In the Mt Druitt area, the team are working to bring local families together to combat problems as defined by the group. The main focus of discussions have been gangs, break ins, assaults and youth disturbance.
The team engage young people at-risk of disengaging from school, gang affiliation, substance abuse, and/or challenging family circumstances.
Typically, these young people have experienced multiple school suspensions, at times for months on end. These young people have leadership qualities and value community, however many of them have become involved in the wrong crowd.
Alongside learning to rock climb, 36 young people over the course of the year will learn about how to assess risk, overcome fear, trust and accountability, and what it means to be a good leader. They plan to finish the program with an outdoor climb.
There is natural mentoring that happens in the rock climbing community and there are legitimate avenues for people to build relationships with rock climbing gyms.
This program will connect these young people into other activities that will have a positive influence beyond the Fusion program.
Why are we partnering?
The St Marys to Mt Druitt corridor in Western Sydney is one of the most disadvantaged areas on the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA). Bidwill and Colyton have double the physical, social and emotional indicators than the national average. Willmot has triple the national average.
Over the past year, the Fusion team have noticed the rise in gang crime. Gangs are recruiting at a youth level:
- Since June youth crime has risen by 38%
- Last year there were 2 murders linked to these gangs
Despite the need, many services are withdrawing from the region, putting people in the ‘too hard basket’. Fusion are committed to ensuring a young person’s postcode doesn’t define their future.
How can you help?
We are partnering with Fusion to launch a rock climbing program.
- We are looking for volunteers in the Sydney area, willing to volunteer a couple of hours each week over a school term. As a positive role model for these young people, you will be part of a team supporting them to rock climb and develop a new way of thinking.
- Community Space (200-250m2) – $40,000 to get the space up and running so it will be self sustaining.Young people need an eco-system of support that includes personal networks (like the climbing community) and professional networks (like access to other agencies, and our other programs).Currently the Fusion Sydney team have no “Community Space”, often hiring out rooms or meeting young people in public spaces impacted by the weather.A Community Space would provide: a connection point for young people, room to run existing and new programs, enable better referrals and provide an opportunity for a safe space in the community where they can develop new connections.
Real people.
Real stories.
What’s possible when we work together.