How do you know, when you give money to a charity, that it is going to be used the way they represented?  It seems all too often we hear about this foundation or that NGO with corrupt leadership, or charities who spend so much on admin or marketing that very little goes to the beneficiary.  And is all that money for medical research really helping to find a cure?

What is the integrity of the team on the ground?  What is their capacity/capability to deliver?  Are they reliable?  Are there any impediments to their success?  Is the cultural environment conducive to their success? Will the program really deliver the outcomes?

Is the program empowering, or simply creating dependence? Is there a recognised corporate structure?  Do they have good governance policies in place?  Do they ensure children are protected?  Can someone you trust vouch for them?  Are their numbers audited?

If you haven’t got the time to find all these things out, then Payton Foundation has done all that hard work for you.  We only choose partners who satisfy all of the above criteria and we stay connected with them to ensure continuing accountability.